Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Thursday, February 19, 2004

A slowly shattered soul/drafting a website

[A slowly shattered soul/drafting a website]

I am re-reading Bessel van der Kolk’s seminal article about post traumatic-stress disorder, “The Body Keeps the Score”.

This article somehow makes me plan another website, or at least another page on my existing website ( The new website will feature dissociation, trauma, and spirituality. I start with these vague ideas, since I believe that a website has a flexibility that allow me to think about/work on multiple themes at the same time. This website is a challenge to myself: I will speak to linier thinkers and parallel thinkers at the same time through the web.

Monday, February 02, 2004

First Bipolar Paper is done

I just submitted a literature search paper, which consumed me in the last one month or so. This was my first time to write a formal paper about this topic. Thank you for P.W. and S. A. for helping me out.